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Time to Pass the Torch

Time to Pass the Torch

There are two types of entrepreneurs: Those who can launch a business and take it into the stratosphere (Jeff Bezos, for example), and those who can launch a business but take it only so far.

Here’s how marketers get motivated for the new year

Here’s how marketers get motivated for the new year

Analyze your numbers, goals, strategies and tactics because it's important to document why you succeeded or failed in order to find improvements in the new year. Welcome back! The holiday crush is over. You’re at your desk, the year is less than a month old, and I...

Marketers: Where will you be a year from now?

Marketers: Where will you be a year from now?

Three aspects of your career in marketing to think about and maybe change in the New Year. I know how you feel right now. It’s the end of 2021 — at last! If you work in retail, you probably want to be anywhere but here and are reading this while you’re on a lunch...

Email deserves your respect

Email deserves your respect

Email is hardly the newest marketing channel around, but it shouldn't be treated like a commodity. Respect its power. A friend recently asked for advice about dealing with a client and how it was managing its email program. After hearing my friend out, I said, “Your...

Moving holiday email campaigns over the finish line

Moving holiday email campaigns over the finish line

It’s time to dig deep, gear up and find inspiration to survive the holiday season slog. I have a great career because I get to play in different sandboxes. This week, for example, I got to meet with a client in financial services, one that has little to do with the...

Email M&A is seeing a surge

Email M&A is seeing a surge

Is it 2013 all over again? And what are the implications for email marketers? Just a few years ago, I was at an email conference in Las Vegas, talking about the eras of email and how the then-recent space of acquisitions and mergers changed the trajectory of email...

How the Halloween zombies can help close your revenue gap

How the Halloween zombies can help close your revenue gap

Here are five possible ways to learn from your email zombies, a.k.a. your attrited customers who still get your emails. Now that everybody on your marketing team is back from their summer distractions, it’s time to get down to serious business – how to make more money...

Getting the big picture for the future of email

Getting the big picture for the future of email

The experimental and audience elements in the Periodic Table of Email open insights into audience preferences and new opportunities to draw closer to customers. This month I’m going to deviate from my regular series and talk up the  Periodic Table of Email from...

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